A Travellerspoint blog

Day 6 Munster to Hamburg

overcast 18 °C
View Touring Germany on RickAdderley's travel map.

Today was more of a "travel from A to B" day, we had no planned stops as the weather didn't look too good for our journey, and, anyway, we are going to spend 3 full days in Hamburg.

We left Munster at 0930h, travelled 175 miles with 2 refreshment breaks and checked into our Hamburg hotel at 1530h. It's been an overcast day with a couple of very light showers, we didn't get wet, thankfully 👍🙄. Shortly after we arrived it rained quite heavily but the trike is dry and safe in the hotel's underground car park. It's not looking too dirty at the moment even though it's been through heavy rain and motorway riding.

We are going to stay quite local to the hotel this evening and tomorrow morning is "laundry day," we only have 1 set of clean cloths each, the laundry is a 15 minute walk from the hotel and they speak English 😀.

More to follow...

In addition:
We went to go out for our evening meal but it started to rain very heavily (torrential!), however we noticed a bar immediately at the rear of our hotel (Das Golderne Ei) - we made a dash for it wearing walking jackets and still got wet. We were the only ones in the bar which was run by a couple from India. They made us welcome and assisted in drying our jackets. They did food, a small but good menu and 2 specials:

1. Curry Bratwurst - for me


2. Chicken Burger - For Sand


The burger was quite different, nothing like Sand has ever eaten, it has pickled cucumber, a spicy sauce and the chicken was encased in a spicy but subtle crumb and it was a brown bread roll.

When we left, the bar was busy and the couple invited us to go back tomorrow and they would cook us an Indian curry - guess where we are eating tomorrow...😜.

Posted by RickAdderley 14:52 Archived in Germany

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